Saturday, September 13, 2008

"Out" and about in Hong Kong!

Hi Girls!

Glad you are all enjoying and using the blog! I'm definitely interested in reading some of the other books you talked about in your posts...if I can find them here!

I've been reading Out during my commutes to and from class, and any other opportunity I get! I'm about two thirds done and it has been a great book so far. Can't wait to write my thoughts about it when I'm done.

It's interesting reading this book in an Asian country, because I can actually witness some of those things the book talks about in terms of how women are treated in society and the workplace. While I don't think it's as bad as in Japan, in Hong Kong it seems you have to be young, pretty and well dressed to succeed at work. Posters in the subway emphasize dieting for women, even though all the girls here are super slim. It seems to echo the view that women are only as good as they look, and once they get older they become obsolete.

In addition to reading the book, I've been scoping out how to get hold of other English books so I can read the upcoming selections for the book club. The university library has an English selection with a modest amount of contemporary fiction novels. I also visited a public library, but I can't check out any materials until I get a Hong Kong ID card, which I can't get until I've been here over 180 days. So my goal is to find a good Western/English bookstore. Luckily the past Fulbrighter, who's project was centered on writing poetry, gave me some good suggestions. and as soon as I get better (I have a touch of flu/sinus infection) I'm going to check them out.

Miss you all!