Monday, September 7, 2009

"Stitches" A Graphic Memoir

Just read this article in the New York Times, about a new graphic memoir by a popular children's book illustrator. Subject matter is for adults. Sounds pretty interesting, if any of you find and or read it back in NYC, let me know what you think!

"Stitches" by David Small

"Finding a Voic in a Graphic Memoir"


Bukola said...

It does sound interesting…will look out for it. Reminds me quite a bit of Persepolis…

Tiffany said...

I agree with Buki...this does sound interesting. I really enjoyed Maus and Persepolis and have even started reading Watchmen recently (which I will post about once I'm finished). There's just something about the graphic novel that is just such a great break from reading traditional books. Not that it's better (because I do love creating the visuals in my head based on the descriptions in novels), but just different.